
資格考 Qualifying Examination

博士班研究生資格考核注意事項 (Notice:Qualifying Examination)




  1. 專業課程考核通過/抵免申請書 1點選下載
  2. 歷年成績單正本 1份 


    ※ 資格考專業課程考核課程列表_1120327學術委員會通過 點選查閱

  1. 學生自課程列表中『理論、系統應用』三類課程中通過至少兩類課程共四門科目,該科目成績達 A-()以上 者,視為考核通過。
  2. 抵免原則:學生入學該學期回推三年內,通過本系博士班專業課程考核科目者,可提出抵免申請。
  3. 每類課程之所屬科目,由學術委員會審核後每學期開學前會公告於網頁上,同學可參考列表選課。


一、應繳文件:以下資料皆需繳交紙本並同步寄電子檔,資料請mail至 ltwei@cs.nthu.edu.tw

  1. 研究能力考核書面審查申請書 1點選下載
  2. 考核委員推薦表 1份 點選下載
  3. 以英文撰寫之研究報告電子檔及 紙本3份 
  4. 提供1份至少10 篇的研究paper listpaper list中須有60%以上為近五年之文章已讀過的 paper 或在研究報告內的參考文獻皆可(paper list須排除申請人發表論文或著作)

       (list系辦將提供研究能力考核口委,請委員選出 3 篇後,學生需於考核口試一開始時針對選出的paper做簡要報告。)




  1. 當月下旬召開學術委員會,確定研究能力考核委員會三位委員名單。
  2. 系辦邀請委員及確定研究能力考核口試時間。(約需3周時間處理)
  3. 系辦通知申請人口試日期、時間、地點等資訊。


Professional Coursework Requirement

A. Documents Required:

  1. One copy of the application form for passing/exemption of the professional coursework requirement link
  2. One original copy of the academic transcript.

B. Professional Coursework Requirement List:

  • Qualifications for the Professional Coursework Requirement approved by the Academic Committee on 2023/03/27 link

Students must pass at least four courses from at least two of the three categories ('Theory', 'System', 'Application') listed, with grades of A- or above, to be considered as having passed the assessment. Exemption policy: Students who have passed the Ph.D. professional coursework requirement within three years before their admission semester can apply for an exemption. The subjects under each category will be reviewed by the Academic Committee and announced on the website before the start of each semester. Students can refer to the list when selecting courses.

Research Ability Evaluation

Documents Required:

  1. Completed application form for the research ability evaluation.link
  2. Completed recommendation form for the evaluation committee.link
  3. One electronic copy and three hard copies of the research report written in English.
  4. A list of at least 10 research papers, with at least 60% of them published within the past five years , which can include papers the applicant has read or referenced in the research report. (The list should exclude the applicant's own papers.)
  5. Please email the electronic copies of the above documents to ltwei@cs.nthu.edu.twl.

Application Timing:

Submit the application for the research ability evaluation by the 15th of each month (during the semester) to facilitate the Academic Committee's selection of members and scheduling of the evaluation meeting later that month.

Confirmation of Committee Members and Oral Examination Timing:

  • The Academic Committee will convene later in the month to confirm the list of three committee members for the research ability evaluation.
  • The department office will invite the committee members and confirm the time for the research ability evaluation oral examination (processing time is approximately 3 weeks).
  • The department office will notify the applicant of the oral examination date, time, and location.




() 考核方式:包括完成專業課程考核及通過研究能力考核。


  1. 學生應自『理論課程、系統課程及應用課程』三類課程中通過至少兩類課程共四門科目,該科目成績達 A-()以上 者,視為考核通過。
  2. 抵免原則:學生入學該學期回推三年內,通過本系博士班專業課程考核科目者,可提出抵免申請。



  1. 申請研究能力考核前,須先通過專業課程考核。但若學生第5個學期是學年上學期,則可以同時進行專業課程考核及申請研究能力考核;該學期專業課程考核若未通過,不論研究能力考核通過與否,均予以退學
  2. 須於入學後五學期內(含休學學期)提出第一次研究能力考核申請,且須於入學後七學期內(含休學學期)通過,未於期限內提出申請或通過者,予以退學。
  3. 研究能力考核之申請,至多提出二次(含休學期間的次數),同一學期至多一次。
  4. 研究能力考核,採書面審查和口試兩階段。
  • 應於每月15日前提出研究能力考核申請,俾便學術委員會於當月下旬召開會議進行推舉委員作業。需提交申請書及以英文撰寫之研究報告,申請書以及研究報告須經指導教授簽名以示同意,休學期間亦可申請。
  • 研究能力考核委員會由學術委員會推薦三位教師組成,並互推一名教師為召集人。指導教授得推薦名單。
  • 應於口試一週前對外公告口試時間與地點,口試時委員以外的教師或學生皆可列席,但列席者不得發言。
  • 口試包含研究報告以及問答,研究報告以40分鐘為限,總時間以不超過2小時為原則,問答內容不限於報告範圍。
  • 研究能力考核委員會以書面審查及口試進行考核,結果採多數決,分通過與不通過。

() 通過期限:



Qualifying Examination

  1. A student must fulfill the “Professional Coursework Requirement” and pass the “Research Ability Evaluation” to pass the qualifying examination.
    1. Professional Coursework Requirement
      1. A student must obtain grades of A- or above in four graduate courses spanning at least two of the three categories “Theory”, “Systems”, and “Applications”
      2. Any professional courses that were taken in our department within three years prior to admission to the PhD program can be counted.

Note: The list of eligible courses in each category approved by the academic committee will be posted on the department webpage before the start of each semester.

    1. Research Ability Evaluation

This is intended to evaluate if a student possesses sufficient ability to carry out academic research. A student is required to submit a research report on the background knowledge of a research topic for evaluation.

      1. Research Ability Evaluation should be conducted after fulfilling the professional coursework requirement. However, if a student is expected to fulfill the professional coursework requirement in the fifth semester which happens to be a fall semester, then Research Ability Evaluation is also permitted in the fifth semester. In this case, if the student fails to complete the professional coursework requirement at the end of the fifth semester, the student will be dismissed from the school irrespective of the result of Research Ability Evaluation.
      2. A student must have the first Research Ability Evaluation within the first five semesters (including any leave of absence). If a student fails in the first evaluation, there is one more chance for re-evaluation in a different semester. A student must pass the evaluation within the first seven semesters (including any leave of absence) after admission.  Students failing to do so will be dismissed from the school. 
      3. The evaluation is divided into two stages: report review and oral examination.
      • Request for Research Ability Evaluation should be made before day 15 of each month to allow sufficient time for the academic committee to hold a meeting in that month to form an evaluation committee.  An application form should be submitted together with the research report written in English and signed for approval by the dissertation supervisor.  Application can be made during a leave of absence.
      • An evaluation committee consists of three professors chosen by the academic committee. The dissertation supervisor may recommend suitable candidate(s) to the academic committee for consideration. Once the evaluation committee is formed, one member is to be elected as the convener by its members.
      • Information of the oral exam (date, time, venue) should be announced one week prior to the oral exam and everyone is welcome to attend.  People other than the PhD student and the evaluation committee members are not allowed to speak during the exam.
      • Oral exam includes a presentation and a Q&A session.  Presentation time is limited to 40 minutes, and the expected total exam time is no longer than 2 hours.  During the Q&A session, any questions related to the research topic may be asked and are not limited to questions about the given presentation.
      • The evaluation committee makes an evaluation based on the research report and the oral exam.  The final result is either “Pass” or “Fail”, which is decided by majority vote among the members.
  1. Deadline: The qualifying examination has to be passed within the first seven semesters (including any leave of absence) after admission.  Students failing to do so will be dismissed from the school.  However, if delay is caused by some uncontrollable circumstance, extension may be granted upon the approval of the department chair.